Erin Rock'n Piggies!

Erin Rock'n Piggies!
2 years Old

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jon Rocks!

Have you ever met someone that you KNEW was going to be an important person in your life? Your not quite sure why but in our case we knew.
Last night we met Jon. Jon is the Director of Pediatrics at North East Rehab and he came to our house for 1 hour to work with Erin last night.
I can't tell you sense of relief and HOPE I felt when he left our home.

My daughter is 17 months. She doesn't sit up by herself. Most of you that have infants understand how far behind that is. Most kids are walking by 12 months so that gives you an idea. Jon was here on his first visit to meet with Erin and evaluate her physical abilites. You can tell he works with children and loves what he does. He had Erin laughing within minutes of meeting him. He watched her move around or should I say roll around to see how her muscles were working and to see her in action. They were getting to know each other and it was fun to watch. She was super smiley and giggly almost as if she knew he was here to help her. Sean and I sat back and watched them interact and get acquainted. A special little meet and greet. I felt so happy that someone with his expertise was going to be apart of her life now and shortly I knew why.

After working with Erin for only 5 minutes he had her sitting up almost by herself. This is no small feat in our eyes because Erin has never sat up unless we pulled her up ourselves and he told us she pretty much knows that too! We are enabling her in so many words and we need to help her help herself. He showed up a few steps on how to get Erin to sit up and as if by magic she got it! I even videoed it so we would remember the steps to practice it with her. He did say it takes a child between 1000-5000 "trys" before they get it so we still have quite a way to go but we saw hope and progress. It was awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear about Erin Sitting up by herself! Jon sounds wonderful!
Heather P